Footers are the bottom pieces of a webpage, which typically have links to commonly looked for areas of the site that are not as high priority as the main categories & subcategories.
Other content often found in a page’s footer includes addresses & phone numbers & links to privacy information.
Why Are Footers Important For Search Engine Optimization?
Footers play an important role in SEO, both from the front-end & back-end site performance perspective.
From the back-end, tracking tags should avoid being placed in footers, unless they are specifically tracking an event that is relevant to the page’s footer being loaded/accessed.
The reason being that tracking tags in the footer may not always collect the desired information.
Take for instance a slow loading webpage – if a user aborts their session while the page is still loading, the footer tags will never fire.
Then analytics reports will not be showing the errors, because to them the poor session did not occur.
If the tags were placed in the header or near the top of the page’s body content, the proper bounce could be recorded & the astronomical bounce rate would tip off a webmaster that their page may need to load quicker.
From a front-end perspective, footer content should always be static content that is going to be shown across your site.
This makes it valuable to include useful information that users may need at any state in their journey in them, such as contact information & links to other pages/site sections that may not be in the main navigation.
Backlinks placed in pages’ footers tend to be viewed less favorably than those that occur in body content.