Conversion Rate is the percentage of times that a conversion occurs when a user visits your website & completes an action that is defined in your analytics goals as being a conversion.
Webmasters & marketers want their Conversion Rates to be higher, as a sign of efficiency.
Conversion goals can also be assigned dollar values, making a higher conversion rate more profitable to business owners in accomplishing their goals.
Conversion Rates Are The Focal Point Of Your Analytics Data
Once you have established which data-points are conversions within your organization, most of your analytics discussions are going to revolve back to building upon your conversion rate.
While not every user is going to share their information with you or complete a transaction, webmasters & marketers should try to get them to as often as possible.
Conversion Rates also are useful in terms of configuring your content strategy, as following optimizations that yielded improvements in conversions for new pieces of content you publish improve their likelihood of converting users as well.
Marketers should always be working to improve their conversion rates, from the outset of any optimization or content production project.